Your North Florida and South GeorgiaRoofing and Construction Experts

Stateline Roofing’s experience and superior customer service is what makes us your choice for commercial roofing services. We find creative solutions that will maximize your investment.

Residential Roofing
Whether you are in the process of choosing a roof for your new home or need repairs or a re-roof on your existing home, you need to choose a roofing contractor that you can count on.

Roof Repairs
Our team has been repairing residential roofs here in the Big Bend of Florida, and in South Georgia, for more than a decade, and our combined experience stretches over 40 years.
Roofing Services
Stateline Roofing and Construction, LLC provides quality roofing services including residential and commercial re-roofs, roof repairs, roof inspections and more. We are a local, family owned and operated roofing company with three generations of experience in the roofing industry. Over 40 years of personal experience prepares us for any type or size of project.
We are experts in shingle roofing, flat roofing and metal roofing. Our work is guaranteed and our outstanding customer service has earned us the trust of home and business owners throughout the Big Bend of Florida and Southwest Georgia.
When it’s time to have your roof replaced or repaired by our leading professionals contact us or give us a call at 850-510-6241.

We Love our CustomersHome and Business Owner Approved
Our Work Areas Include
Tallahassee, Quincy, Havana, Crawfordville, Sopchoppy, Carrabelle, Monticello, Chattahoochee, Bristol, Bainbridge, Cairo
Leon, Gadsden, Wakulla, Jefferson, Liberty, Decatur, Grady, Seminole
And More!
On The Job Safety First
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The safety of the people shall be the highest law.
The Standards We Pursue
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We are your Big Bend and South GeorgiaRoofing Experts
Shingle Roofing
Flat Roofing
Metal Roofing
Some of our recentPROJECTS

So Many AwesomeClients